If you find yourself appalled (or enthralled) by the vulgarity of modern weddings I must recommend a new tv series The Wedding House.
The Wedding House is, in fact, the listed 17th century Sundridge Park Manor in Bromley. It looks quite posh* and the hotel management team sounds enthusiastic about the series. They say:
In the programme, the experienced Wedding House team of experts allow loved up couples to live out their wildest wedding fantasy, unique vows, and perfect special day. Having outlined their wish list for the day, they hand over all responsibility to the Wedding House team and all that remains for them to bring is their love for each other.
The eight-part TV series plays host to 32 couples participating in elaborately themed marriages, civil partnerships, renewal of marriage vows and commitment ceremonies…
Elaborately themed is an understatement. In this week's episode two lesbians had a Tudor style civil partnership. One of them was dressed to looked rather like Henry V111 – not a good omen, I feel, given the number of wives he had.
An older couple renewing their vows wanted a fetish theme. The registrar was understandably nervous.
Tune in and prepare to have your gast flabbered.
*www.sundridgeparkmanor.com (still can’t do links)